
I Am

In the midst of decluttering my life, I discovered this very powerful message give by Joel Olsteen on the Power of I Am. It was such a reminder that the words we speak (both to ourselves and others) invite exactly that into our us the ultimate choice and power in speaking the truth for what we seek to feel and be in our lives and livelihoods. 

To see the video, just click on the image below (and don't forget to participate in the challenge below)...

Your challenge this week is to create your own bespoke I AM statement, for something in your life that you'd like to experience (and currently are not) or keep experiencing. To share ... be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

ps...Tired of feeling tired, overwhelmed, and confused when it comes to your livelihood? Ready to experience more clarity, confidence, and ease with it all?  Let's talk!  Click here or on the image below to schedule your complimentary discovery session today.

The Eagles & The Chickens

I can't believe my week in Italy is coming to a close (right now, as you're reading this, I'm in the air...probably drinking coffee and watching my third movie of the long trans-atlantic flight).

What an amazing adventure it's been, with more growth and expansion in my life and my livelihood than I ever thought could be possible in just seven days. For this week's #StyleTruthSunday challenge, I share with you one such growth...something I became vividly aware of while traveling abroad this week. And more importantly, something that can easily keep us playing small in our life and livelihoods. 

What is it, you ask?


it all has to do with whether or not you have eagles, or chickens.


Yes, you did read that right.

Don't worry, I explain all of it in this week's short 8 minute video (filmed live from my hotel in Milan). Check it out below:

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...Ciao!

xo, Cynthia

ps...Tired of feeling tired, overwhelmed, and confused when it comes to your livelihood? Ready to experience more clarity, confidence, and ease with it all?  Let's talk!  Click here or on the image below to schedule your complimentary discovery session today.

Honor You, And Miracles Happen

Good morning (or goodnight, depending on where you are in the world). After a long travel journey, I'm finally in Italy...relaxes, meditated, and able to finally soak in all the beauty I'm seeing around me. This experience, while just beginning, has been something beyond my wildest dreams...and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you! 

And while I don't have a single video for you this morning, I want to invite you over to my FB page, where I'll be sharing videos with you all week from my journey here! Remember ladies, anything and everything is possible!

Cheers to living your own bespoke version of #ALoveStyledLife

xo Cynthia

The Vision For Your Life

There's so much happening this week in preparation for my journey to Italy (I can't believe I leave on Sunday!!!!), that I chose to share one of my favorite videos of all time with you for #StyleTruthSunday. It's a video taken of Oprah, speaking with student leaders at Stanford University. It's a truly moving speech, all about her journey, and some of the most pivotal and inspiring moments of her life...including never asked questions that had even the queen of talk completely stumped and impressed!

My favorite takeaway? 

"Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you"

I love this so much, because I've seen the power of this in my own life. Not just in my relationships, my health, etc...but also in my business & career. The minute I started approaching everything from my authentic self, everything started moving, shifting, growing, and shaping!

Watch the full video below (and be sure to check out this week's challenge below the video):

For this week's #StyleTruthChallenge, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway! Let me know in the comments below, or head on over to Instagram, using the hashtags #StyleTruthSundayChallenge!

Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia



The Power of Faith

As time goes by, it's becoming more and more apparent to me just how important it is for us to connect with our true and authentic selves.  How we see ourselves, what we believe in, all of these things direct what we are choosing to experience in all areas of our lives.

In simplest terms, it's all about the power of our faith! 

 See what I mean in this week's short 8 minute video, below:

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

ps... If you're ready to take a more holistic approach to life, and experience more clarity, confidence, and ease in your life & livelihood, let's talk! Click here or on the image below to schedule your complimentary discovery session today.


This week, I'm finally getting the chance to share with you THEE know, the one that I couldn't quite find a way to upload? The beautiful thing about it, is that this week's topic is something I've been hearing a lot lately...from my clients, to my friends/family, to the media. And this week, I share with you one of my favorite choices I've ever made. See what I mean in this week's video, below:

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

ps... If you're ready to experience more clarity, confidence, and ease in your life & career, let's talk! Click here or on the image below to schedule your complimentary discovery session today.

What Are You Communicating?

This week I'm on the road and sharing your #StyleTruthChallenge from my childhood bedroom...that same childhood bedroom that became my comfort zone while hitting rock bottom at the age of 30. So the significance of this week and this topic could not be more timely, especially as it relates to truly creating your own bespoke version of A Love Styled Life. See what I mean in this week's short 8 minute video below (plus you'll see a few personal objects that mean so much to me and my life). 

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

What You Resist, Persists

If you're not happy with any area of your life right now, then this week's #StyleTruthSunday is just for you! And quite honestly, it was the perfect message for me, too... as I've begun to up-level a few different areas of my life. Find out what two shifts you need to make to transform these areas of your life by watching this week's short 8 minute video below (plus more personal deets on what I discovered about myself, too). 

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

Take Care Of Yourself First

It's becoming no surprise to me that every single time I sit down to write out the detailed content for each week's #StyleTruthSunday, that inevitably...some major thing related to that week's topic...has surfaced within the workings of my own life. And this week, was no different. 

This Sunday we're going deep on one of my favorite topics: Self Care. And not just on why it's important, but also, how you can begin to proactively incorporate more self care into your daily life. I'm also sharing with you the one piece of self care that often gets left out of the discussion (but one, in my opinion, that is perhaps the most prevalent...and the one, that when practiced, can create the biggest levels of transformation in your life). 

Click below to check it out!

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

Decision Time

Wow! What a week...

I have to say I've been reminded so much about what it requires to live #ALoveStyledLIfe over the course of the last 7 days, especially as it relates to decision-making. Making decisions is the foundation of living your life...but making thoughtful, intentional, aligned decisions (decision that lead you in the direction of your dreams) can be difficult if you're faced with the dreaded four letter word that seems to plague us all.

What's this four letter word, you say?

Well...for this week's #StyleTruthSunday I talk all about it, including how it showed up for me this week, and how I was able to shift back into making decisions from a place of love.

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

You've Got To Start Somewhere - plus, a surprise revealed!

I'm so excited that I can finally introduce the first ever #StyleTruthSunday this afternoon! 

What's #StyleTruthSunday you ask?! Great question! I tell you all about it in the video below, including what's been going on behind-the-scenes for #ALoveStyledLife lately. Be sure to keep reading after the video for this week's first #StyleTruthSunday challenge...along with a cool little secret I've been keeping that I'm finally ready to share with the world!

Whatdcha think?! Excited for what's to come with #StyleTruthSunday? Let me know in the comments below. And be sure to share your answers with this week's challenge using the hashtags #StyleTruthSunday and  #STSChallenge via Instagram! 

Now on to that amazing secret!!

So for the past 10 weeks I've been taking part in my own coaching program with 25 other amazing and beautiful women from around the world. As part of this amazing program, I'll be heading to London the first week of April for business conference and retreat...and I'm so excited because it will be the first time that I get to meet these amazing women in person, all while working and traveling and living!

This was and has always been a dream of mine (to work and travel and have the freedom to connect with other women living the exact same lifestyle from around the world)....and I can't believe it's finally happening!!

I made having the freedom to work from anywhere a non-negotiable, and I can't wait to share with you all about my journey while it's happening!! Be sure to head on over to Instagram to share in the adventure. Dreams really do come true, if you allow them! And I am so fully blessed to experience this type of lifestyle while supporting and mentoring you to live your own dream life.

What's better?! If I can do it, so can you. All it takes is for you to say yes like I did...and before you know it, you'll be living the life you always dreamed you would, too.

Cheers to making your dreams into your #dreamnormal!

xo, Cynthia

PS // Ready to say YES to your dream stop playing small and start living and love yourself? Let's talk! Click here or on the image below to schedule your complimentary discovery session today.