What Are You Communicating?

This week I'm on the road and sharing your #StyleTruthChallenge from my childhood bedroom...that same childhood bedroom that became my comfort zone while hitting rock bottom at the age of 30. So the significance of this week and this topic could not be more timely, especially as it relates to truly creating your own bespoke version of A Love Styled Life. See what I mean in this week's short 8 minute video below (plus you'll see a few personal objects that mean so much to me and my life). 

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia