with love, from the middle - a podcast hosted by Cynthia Beard on finding inspiration, joy, and love for the journey of life we're all on together.

It’s been said that there are only two guarantees with life…

One, you're born.

And two, you die.

Everything else is up to choice, belief, action, and even fate, with the journey of life sitting directly in the middle of the beautiful day you were born and the very last day you will take your breath. With millions of different combinations of possible life experiences, it can sometimes feel hard to relate to others. Yet I believe we all have more in common in this middle ground than we allow ourselves the vulnerability share with each other. 

This platform is exactly that - a safe and inspiring space that we can all call home to find common ground, lift each other up, and ultimately find community within that beautiful space of the in between.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

With Love, From The Middle

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New episodes every Thursday, on the following podcast platforms: