The Vision For Your Life

There's so much happening this week in preparation for my journey to Italy (I can't believe I leave on Sunday!!!!), that I chose to share one of my favorite videos of all time with you for #StyleTruthSunday. It's a video taken of Oprah, speaking with student leaders at Stanford University. It's a truly moving speech, all about her journey, and some of the most pivotal and inspiring moments of her life...including never asked questions that had even the queen of talk completely stumped and impressed!

My favorite takeaway? 

"Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you"

I love this so much, because I've seen the power of this in my own life. Not just in my relationships, my health, etc...but also in my business & career. The minute I started approaching everything from my authentic self, everything started moving, shifting, growing, and shaping!

Watch the full video below (and be sure to check out this week's challenge below the video):

For this week's #StyleTruthChallenge, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway! Let me know in the comments below, or head on over to Instagram, using the hashtags #StyleTruthSundayChallenge!

Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia