
Lead Your Life Forward

It feels so good to be home!

As you know, I love to travel. I love meeting, seeing, and experiencing different people and cultures... observing what inspires them and what drives them in the day to day living of life. If I go more than a month or two without some sort of excursion (whether that's a short trip to LA to meet with colleagues, or a longer one to Europe for pleasure), I go stir crazy. Travel has become my catnip, and there will always be a significant presence of it within the curated version of my Love Styled Life.

Lately, however, I've noticed something different... a craving to be still. A craving to experience a more simple way of being. A craving to indulge in my daily mediation, in my own mediation chair... to spend my morning at the local coffee shop (as opposed to the airport Starbucks), and walk along the rocky winter beach of Santa Barbara (as opposed to the unfamiliar sidewalk of a new city). All of this to say, I'm craving the comforts of home. My home. This bespoke version of home I've curated here in Santa Barbara.

Yesterday many of us celebrated Easter, and for the first time in 36 years my family (due to travel and other conflicts) decided not to get together and celebrate. So for the first time in my life, I was faced with being on my own for a holiday that is completely centered around family.

If I'm being honest, Easter has never been my favorite holiday... but the irony is, the minute I knew our family celebration was cancelled, I missed it. And missed it deeply. It made me miss my Mom, her Easter baskets and silly Easter shenanigans. It made me yearn for a time that no longer exists... taking me out of the present, and into a state of regret. A regret for the moments I didn't appreciate when I had them.

And while I allowed myself to sit in sadness for just a bit, I eventually snapped my fingers and snapped out of it. Living A Love Styled Life is a practice for well-being that calls us to choose our feelings and choose our perspective. So in that moment, I recognized my responsibility to choose and connect with what I truly desired to feel - the desire to feel a sense of connection to family for Easter. As a result, I did what I teach my clients to do: asked myself how I desired to beknowing that I desired to feel a sense of connection to family. The answer came immediately, and was simple: make the short drive up the coast to Los Olivos, and spend Easter Sunday at my grandparents old church in their old home town, with their beloved old community. I recruited a dear friend to join me, and the day turned out to be pretty fantastic! 

The lesson in all this? 

Everything is a choice. Every moment a choice. And as long as we stay focused on the choices presented us in each moment, life will be whatever we dream and desire it to be... feel however we dream and desire it to feel.  

In the service yesterday, Pastor Randall Day mentioned this when delivering his Easter Gospel: Don't look for the living among the dead. And I smiled inside. Because this is what Living A Love Styled Life is all about. Don't look for the living among the dead. Instead, look forward to life... to the life you desire to live... to impact you desire to make... and to the way you desire to feel. My challenge to each and everyone of you this week is to lead your life forward.... to the future, as opposed to backward in the past. Remember, life is meant to be lived and lived well. Simply stay focused on how you desire to feel and be, and everything else will take care of itself.

Take Care Of Yourself First

It's becoming no surprise to me that every single time I sit down to write out the detailed content for each week's #StyleTruthSunday, that inevitably...some major thing related to that week's topic...has surfaced within the workings of my own life. And this week, was no different. 

This Sunday we're going deep on one of my favorite topics: Self Care. And not just on why it's important, but also, how you can begin to proactively incorporate more self care into your daily life. I'm also sharing with you the one piece of self care that often gets left out of the discussion (but one, in my opinion, that is perhaps the most prevalent...and the one, that when practiced, can create the biggest levels of transformation in your life). 

Click below to check it out!

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia

Decision Time

Wow! What a week...

I have to say I've been reminded so much about what it requires to live #ALoveStyledLIfe over the course of the last 7 days, especially as it relates to decision-making. Making decisions is the foundation of living your life...but making thoughtful, intentional, aligned decisions (decision that lead you in the direction of your dreams) can be difficult if you're faced with the dreaded four letter word that seems to plague us all.

What's this four letter word, you say?

Well...for this week's #StyleTruthSunday I talk all about it, including how it showed up for me this week, and how I was able to shift back into making decisions from a place of love.

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...

xo, Cynthia