The Eagles & The Chickens

I can't believe my week in Italy is coming to a close (right now, as you're reading this, I'm in the air...probably drinking coffee and watching my third movie of the long trans-atlantic flight).

What an amazing adventure it's been, with more growth and expansion in my life and my livelihood than I ever thought could be possible in just seven days. For this week's #StyleTruthSunday challenge, I share with you one such growth...something I became vividly aware of while traveling abroad this week. And more importantly, something that can easily keep us playing small in our life and livelihoods. 

What is it, you ask?


it all has to do with whether or not you have eagles, or chickens.


Yes, you did read that right.

Don't worry, I explain all of it in this week's short 8 minute video (filmed live from my hotel in Milan). Check it out below:

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthSunday? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to living, and living well...Ciao!

xo, Cynthia

ps...Tired of feeling tired, overwhelmed, and confused when it comes to your livelihood? Ready to experience more clarity, confidence, and ease with it all?  Let's talk!  Click here or on the image below to schedule your complimentary discovery session today.