
To Experience Wholeness

I had a conversation this week with a former client that I couldn't ignore.

And as I've said time and time again, your experience in the world outside of you is a direct reflection of the world happening inside yourself ( i.e. your thoughts, beliefs, dreams, desires, fears, etc). So, believe me when I say that I take notice when something in my external world hits a nerve with me.  Because what I've come to know is that when the nerve striking conversations or incidents come up, something within my internal world needs attention and is out of alignment.

And alignment is EVERYTHING. 

But knowing when you are out of alignment, and need to pay attention requires truly being present in the moment. Which for some reason, seems to be one of the hardest things to do in our world of bright shiny things. Text messages, emails, social media... all of these (and more) seem to make it so so difficult to be in the moment. Yet as Oprah describes reminds below:

"To be present is to be fully alive!"

Oprah's Belief Story #20 What Does it Mean to Live in the Moment? #beliefstories

Posted by Oprah Winfrey on Saturday, October 10, 2015

But the there's more to alignment than just authenticity. Being present, which leads to being aligned, is how you experience a sense of wholeness. Wholeness is more than alignment. Wholeness is what you FEEL when you are aligned. Wholeness is you living in your present moment. Wholeness is aligning with your authentic bespoke self. It's the essence of living A Love Styled Life.

But what this conversation with my former client was so quick to point out... was something I'd forgotten to remember and espouse (and so had she).


Waiting to experience that sense of joy and ease and peace etc. that comes from being aligned with your authentic self is futile, because all you'll ever experience is the feeling of waiting. Wholeness is a state of being that can only be accessed in a moment. And you can choose to experience wholeness when you remember that all is perfect whole and complete. That every moment is an opportunity to feel better, be better, choose better.

Wholeness comes from the decision in any given moment to choose to see opportunity as opposed to roadblocks. 

Living A Love Styled Life is the experience of wholeness from your own bespoke point of view. And the experience is meant to feel good and be filled with joy. Therefore, whatever you can do in any given moment to feel better and experience more joy is all it takes to began the experience of wholeness in your life. And since we all feel good and experience joy in different ways, there's nothing outside of you that can create the experience of wholeness like your authentic unique self. That's why it's so important to know you, love you, and love you. It's all about creating the experience of wholeness in your life. 

And let me tell you... wholeness feels pretty darn amazing!

So in the spirit of experience wholeness, this week's #StyleTruthChallenge asks: 


For this week's challenge, I want you to stop, and be in the moment. To ask yourself, how can I feel better, and experience more joy RIGHT NOW! It may be big, it may be small, but it shouldn't be too big that you can't experience that feeling right now. It could mean going for a walk, taking a bath, talking to a loved one, doing a dance in the middle of your living room, eating ice cream, shopping for a new handbag, or perusing Pinterest. Whatever it is, your challenge is to STOP, BE IN THE MOMENT, AND EXPERIENCE JOY.

Be sure to head on over to Instagram to participate, using #StyleTruthSundayChallenge ! Also...have a topic you'd like covered in #StyleTruthChallenge? Email me or leave a comment below (I'd love to hear from you).

Cheers to figuring it out and moving forward into your bespoke version of A Love Styled Life!


ps... Looking for to feel better and experience more joy in your life? Craving the clarity, confidence, and direction to make your dreams a reality? I'd love to talk with you! Click here on the image below to schedule your complimentary discovery session today.