business & career

What It's Like Working With A Life Coach | My Interview with Casey Jones

Almost one month ago, I had the fortune to meet Casey Jones of Casey Jones Designs. She’s one of those women that, from the moment you meet, you wonder where this person has been your whole life!

Casey is the best of the best when it comes to web design, but she’s also the best of the best when it comes to kindness, giving, and inspiring me to be the best person and entrepreneur I can be. We bonded over a single night out to see local Santa Barbara celebrity Jack Canfield speak about his Principles of Success… and since then, we’ve created our own little mini mastermind with big ideas and some super exciting projects in the works (more to come on that, soon).

I recently sat down with her to give her community a behind-the-scenes glimpse into Life Coaching, and the mindset principles at play for anyone when it comes to success and business. I share some things I’ve never shared here… such as the unique relationship women have with success, and details on what the process of working with me looks like. I would love it if you hopped over to have a read. And as always, send me an email or drop a comment below with any questions! xx - CB