Spring Cleaning


Get excited...It's offically Spring as far as I'm concerened! Spring is a time for renewal, and growth, and there's something to be said about the space we allow for the growth and renewal of dreams and desires to take place. In today's #StyleTruthSunday, I speak to that very thing. So if you're wondering what I did this week to make way for my dreams and desires, along with what you can do right now in the same way, be sure to check out this week's video and #StyleTruthSundayChallenge! And wherever you are, celebrating whatever you are with your family and friends, I send you love, joy, fun, freedom, and tons and tons of yummy chocolate!

Cheers to living #ALOVESTYLEDLIFE....

xo - Cynthia

PS...in the name of Spring Cleaning, tell me, what topics would you like covered on #StyleTruthSunday? Leave a comment below or email me at info@alovestyledlife.com (using the subject #StyleTruthSunday).

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